Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Immersion Assembly

Yesterday everybody went to the hall and sat down. A minute later Mr Burt came and announced that the title for term 3, was Mighty Mariners. I was wondering what does Mariners mean? I was thinking maybe it meant sailors or warriors but I thought for a while and I decided  “ It probably means sailors."
Mr Burt said “ Give a round of applause for team 1.’’ Everybody clapped with excitement, and interestingly team 1 put a video on the screen. The video was about Polynesians who sailed in seven wakas to NZ. “ Thank you team 1’’ said Mr Burt.

Team 2 came up onto the stage and started to act, their acting was really funny, there was a bad pirate who was called Pirate She, she wanted treasure, but Captain Cook said “ I don’t have treasure I only have a camera, a digital camera”. Pirate She said “ I already have those things”

“Give a clap for team 2” shouted Mr Burt, suddenly team 3 came up onto the stage and BOOM! Team 3 had party poppers. They were pirates and they showed us a video of them losing a battle. Soon the video had finished and after that they threw chocolate money everywhere, and everybody started rushing to get some, and after a while all the chocolate money was gone.

Before long team 4 walked onto the stage, there was a lady called Rose, she was wearing a beautiful dress, she was from Titanic, Erick the Red and his Leif Erickson. Erick the Red tricked people to come to Green Land, and the people would think Green Land is a beautiful place where there is green grass, green everywhere, but at Green Land there is ice everywhere. THE END


  1. Hi Heather,
    You have written an interesting recount with lots of details. It was lots of fun dressing up as Lief Erickson, apart from the itchy moustache. Keep up the great writing.
    Ms Squires

  2. What a fabulous post Heather. You have given so much detail in your recount. I really appreciate it because I had to leave half way through to attend a boring meeting and you have filled me in on what I missed. Keep it up. Mrs Burt
